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Pig In The City


well shit, in case you were keeping tabs (which you weren’t. i know you weren’t, why would you?), when in NYC the other week i managed by sheer special providence to knock another whatever off the ol’ Omnivore’s 100. myself and some compatriots were hoofing it through the East Village (from a wine bar that i accidentally invited several people to, being deceived by the [perhaps overly?] unprepossessing design of their snack menu. the fare [as in, the food, not the bill) itself was bold and streamlined, but the layout [of the menu] was horrible.*) on our way to get some #1 dumplings when what should up and totally exist but a CURRYWURST BAR.

so obviously we had to stop and have pilseners and currywurst. which was a tough decision, because we were on our way to get delicious dumplings, but after a moment of total psychological paralysis, one of our company came to my aid and was basically like, “Dude, currywurst,” which if you don’t know, is fries with fried sausage covered in curry sauce.

it’s basically the poutine of Germany. Continue reading
